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Anxiety Disorders in Children

Anxiety in children may present as Physical symptoms such as stomach pain, headache, bodypain; emotional symptoms such as irritability, mood swings; Behavioural symptoms such as tantrums, defiance; Academic difficulties such as school refusal, difficulty concentrating and losing interest in school activities. Early identification and management supports healthy emotional development of the child.

-Dr Sathiya Ganesan

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Attention deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Early intervention for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is crucial. Symptoms like inattention, restlessness/hyperactivity and impulsivity have negative effect on academic performance, emotional and behavioural developent. Effective strategies include Parent training, Behavioral therapy, Structured routines, and medications.

-Dr Sathiya Ganesan

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Disruptive Behavior in Children

Early intervention is vital for managing Disruptive Behavior Disorders like Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) and Conduct Disorder (CD), which involve defiance and aggression. Effective strategies include behavioral therapy, consistent routines, and parental involvement to support emotional regulation and social development.

-Dr Sathiya Ganesan

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Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)

Children with ASD have difficulty in communication, social interactions, and behavior disturbances. Early diagnosis and personalized interventions, such as home based training, speech therapy and occupational therapy are essential. A supportive environment and parental involvement are key to helping children with ASD develop crucial social and emotional skills.

-Dr Sathiya Ganesan

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Depression in Children

May present as persistent sadness, unable to enjoy pleasurable activities, low self-esteem, withdrawal from family/friends, irritability, difficulty concentrating, declining academic performance, suicidal ideas and changes in sleep or appetite. Early identification and empathetic care are essential. Effective approaches include Medications, Individual counseling, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). Creating a nurturing environment helps children build resilience and improve emotional well-being.

-Dr Sathiya Ganesan

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Bipolar affective disorders in Children

Bipolar includes manic features or mixed features of mania and depression. Manic features present as extreme happiness, irritability or aggressive outbursts, speaking excessively, engaging in risky behaviours, difficulty concentrating, thinking they are superior to others, plan excessively and changes in sleep and appetite. Effective treatment reduces risky behaviour, self harm and reduces severity of mood swings. Management includes Medications and family support to foster emotional stability for healthy development.

-Dr Sathiya Ganesan

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Complaining of Physical Pains in Children

Children often express emotional distress through physical complaints like stomachaches or headaches. Assessing both physical and emotional factors are essential. A holistic approach with counseling, reassurance, and family support promotes well-being.

-Dr Sathiya Ganesan

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Tic Disorders in Children

Tics are sudden, repetitive movements or vocalizations, such as blinking, throat clearing, or facial grimacing. Early recognition and management help reduce their impact on daily life. Treatment options include behavioral therapy, stress management techniques and medication. A supportive environment helps children cope and build self-confidence.

-Dr Sathiya Ganesan

I’m Dr. Sathiya Ganesan,
Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist.

I specialize in diagnosing and managing developmental, emotional, and behavioural disorders in children and adolescents. I believe in team effort to embrace these challenges.

My goal is to empower parents/guardians, family, friends, teachers, peers, community and society to collaboratively nurture, protect and guide children, ensuring they grow into confident, resilient and thriving individuals.

As it is rightly said that ‘It takes a village to raise a child’ 😊

Dr Sathiya Ganesan Story

Dr Sathiya Ganesan’s

Child and adolescent psychiatry services offered

Developmental disorders such as Autism Spectrum Disorders, ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), Intellectual Disability, Learning Disorder, Speech and Language Disorders
Behavioural disorders seen in ADHD, Conduct Disorder, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, Adjustment Disorders
Emotional disorders such as anxiety, mood disorders (depression, bipolar affective disorders)
Anxiety disorders such as Generalised Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Phobias, Obsessive Compulsive Disorders (OCD), Post-traumatic Stress Disorders (PTSD)
Self injurious behaviour (often referred to cuts in the body and others)
Behavioural addictions such as internet and gaming
Addictions in school going and adolescents (alcohol, tobacco, cannabis etc)
Psychotic disorders such as Schizophrenia, Schizoaffective and delusional disorders
Sleep disorders, nocturnal enuresis, encopresis, eating disorders (Anorexia, Bulimia and Binge Eating Disorders)
Building resilience in adolescents with difficult temperament (its like what we call personality in adults)
Psychiatric disorders associated with medical conditions
Find out more

In my own words

I spent most of my childhood wondering about life sitting on my mango tree. The only calm I ever felt was when the highest branch swayed me softly.

I refused to go to school until 7th grade. I spent my time waiting at the schoolgate, if I ended up at school by chance. Mostly I asked why or cried a lot.

My parents are the best lines in my story. They held onto hope through every challenge. Intentionally i was put in a Christian missionary school at 8th grade. It was not until this day I met my first challenge- Discipline. Not to mention my least favorite- Overcorrection.

I tried and mimicked everyone around me to fit into the system. I never could. But everything seemed effortless eventually. I surpassed grades one by one with hardwork and determination. Tuitions became my second home and becoming a doctor became my first goal.

I chose specifically to become a psychiatrist during my M.B.B.S internship. Psychiatry became my passion.

I stood at the cross roads of doing child psychiatry or nothing at all. Gradually I realised i could connect with children more better. Child psychiatry became my second child. Also, I solve my existential crisis time to time, when I decide to do nothing. Nothing became my spirituality motto.

‘The woods are lovely, dark and deep, But I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep and miles to go before i sleep’- Robert Frost.

If I could do it, so can you 🙂

-Dr. Sathiya Priya Ganesan

–Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist